Now Let's Have Some Fun in 2014

Happy New Year everyone and Merry Christmas too.

Let me start by saying, I'm not asking for money.  That's a switch.  I know my friend Dave said that he could always tell when spring was near because he would get an email from me asking for support for fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Last year, as you may recall, I did the Death Ride, and in the process, you fine folks donated over $4000 to support the cause.  Once again, thank you very much.

I actually did two Team in Training events in 2014.  The Solvang Century in March and the aforementioned Death Ride.  And I must say, I had a lot of fun.  So when my dear friend K.Sue Duncan called me a month ago to coach for her cycling team, I simply couldn't say no.

So here's the thing, I will be coaching as part of the Team in Training America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride team (AMBBR).  This is a century ride that circumnavigates Lake Tahoe.  That's right, on Sunday June 1st, a whole bunch of riders will be circling the lake.  Five years ago, Team Shake n' Bake did this ride and it changed their lives ... for the better.  Now, I can't guarantee a life altering experience such as Team Shake 'n Bake's, but I can guarantee you'll have fun.

So instead of asking for money, I'm inviting you to join me on this classic, beautiful ride.  You'll be in great shape, you'll be virtuous and you'll be in great company.  So here's my invitation - sign up for TnT AMBBR and we'll have the ride of a lifetime.  You can join by going to this link here

But wait, "don't we have to raise money", you ask.  Yes, there is a fundraising commitment.  But here's the deal.  If you sign up, I will personally donate the first $50 for your fundraising.  THAT'S RIGHT.  I'm not asking for money, I'm giving money away!!  Holy guacamole.  Call it the Christmas Spirit, call it the weakness from dieting, call it ether induced hallucinations, but the offer is legit.  If you sign up and tell them I referred you, I will plunk 50 "semolians" towards your cause.  I will also help promote you too.  Because, that's just the kind of guy I am.  

So go to the link I've provided or contact me with questions.  Sign up in the next couple weeks.  Training begins in February.  You'll have fun and you get to help fight some crappy diseases.

Please join.



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