Let's Beat this Cancer Scourge

Hey all,

For a number of years, as many of you know,  I have raised money to help fight blood cancers.  It's a personal cause because I know many people who have fought and lost their battles with leukemia or lymphoma, Margie, Dan, Bob, Leonard, Jeff, and the many who continue to fight the battle or are thankfully in remission. 

Now I haven't reached out to you in a while as I was busy getting different parts of my own body replaced.  This has kept me off the bike and out of action.  This year I am back in the swing of it and making an active pitch.

As I know from previous fundraising campaigns, almost all of use know someone who has been afflicted with blood cancers.  It's an awful way to fight for your life and someday smarter people than I will find a cure.    But here's the catch, they need our help.  (BTW, the page load times on the LLS links are terrible, please be patient or use the facebook link)

Nothing is free and it takes funding to support research and victim care.  That's the mission of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and I am helping that mission by fundraising to support their research programs. 

This June I will be doing a 100-mile bike ride with Team in Training.  This group within LLS takes on physically difficult challenges to publicly raise awareness of the LLS mission and to commit to raise money to support its cause.   Since February, I have been volunteering to help cyclists complete their first century ride and I have committed to raise funds and, of course, to do the ride as well.  This is not an easy task and my team mates put in the training and will complete the ride knowing that they're creating more visibility for this cause and they're helping people in need.

Here's where I need your help.  Please take a moment and consider to support this cause by donating to the LLS.  I'll make it real simple, click on this link and it will take you to my fundraising page.

If you would rather donate through my facebook page, then go here
As an incentive, if you donate to my cause, you will get an invitation and VIP schwag at PorkaPalooza X - Hamtastic Beasts and where to Smoke Them.  That's my son's and my annual fete to smoked meats.    Invitations will be completed shortly but you can mark your calendar for July 20th.

More to come about PorkaPalooza but please take the time and consider donating.  

Thank you for your time and let's fight these terrible diseases together.



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